The Amazon Jungle flourishes on its own without gardeners, regular fertilization or pesticide application….so why not your garden? The difference is the beneficial microbiology in the soil. In nature, dead plant matter falls to the jungle/forest floor and forms a layer. It then begins to decompose and beneficial bacteria and fungi are born. The rain will then pass through the decomposing layer and bring the beneficial microbiology down into the soil where it can colonize in the root zone of plants. Plant roots excrete carbohydrates and sugars that the microbiology feeds on, so this attracts them to the root zone.
There are many species of beneficial fungi and bacteria, and each one serves a different purpose. Protozoa consume the plant sugars and excrete out waste in the form of available nutrients for the plant. Certain fungus will attach to the roots to also feed on the sugars, creating chains of fungal hyphae that can be up to 40 miles long. These chains will then absorb water and nutrients that are too far for the plant to reach, and bring them back to the plant. Beneficial fungi and bacteria will always fight off bad bacteria and fungi, providing protection from pathogens and harmful microbes. It’s a very harmonious relationship. The plant feeds the beneficial microbiology, and in turn the microbiology feeds and protects the plant.
Now, the soil you have at home has most likely been treated with mineral-based fertilizers and/or pesticides at one point. Possibly even regularly. Both of these are going to have salts in them, and of course salt kills bacteria and fungus. Once the biology in your soil has been killed off, your yard will require regular feedings and/or fungicide and pesticide treatment because nature can no longer do it. The good news……you can put the beneficial microbiology back into your soil with Compost Tea! Compost tea is made by adding compost to water and oxygenating, or bubbling, the water for 24 hours. The finished product can have 10,000 times the biology as the original compost used due to the oxygen rich environment. With normal applications of compost tea you can bring your soil back to life again. This will make your garden much healthier, more productive, more flavorful, more aromatic, and much easier to take care of. You will be letting nature take care of the plants rather than having to do regular applications of fertilizer and pesticide, not only killing your soil but also causing environmental issues. Stay green…stay growing.