Amino Acids


Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which in turn makes them the building blocks for life.  While there are quite a few present out there, only L-Aminos acids apply to our garden’s needs.

L-amino acids have many different functions to plants.  The most important being the following; increased chlorophyll production, increased pest and pathogen resistance, provides a source of organic nitrogen, influence enzymatic systems, and act as chelators for available nutrients in the growing medium that may otherwise go unused by the plant.  So keep in mind your plants will use up more water due to the increase of nutrient available uptake.

By being building blocks for proteins, adding L-amino acids to your regimen will allow more proteins to be available for your plant to use.  This is beneficial to the durability of the overall health of your plants.  By having the additional proteins available when the plant needs it, the cell walls will grow more compact with a stronger wall structure.  Because the cell walls are stronger, this makes the plant much more robust when it comes to big temperature variations, irregular watering, and pests.

L-amino acids are also great foliar spray as they assist in chlorophyll production.  Chlorophyll is what allows the plant to use C02, water, and sunlight to produce the sugars the plant needs as food.  See your plants perk up simply by using amino acids as a foliar spray.

L-amino acids aren’t just good for your plants, but also for the beneficial microbes living in your growing medium.  They use them just like the plants do, except the amino acids kick them into a higher rate of consumption of dead root matter, which leads to vigorous root growth and more nutrient uptake.

We have both base nutrients with Amino Acids in them and additives with amino acids.  Come on in and we’ll get you hooked up with the right combination to add to your regiment.  Remember…We Grow better!

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